G.D. Goenka International School (CBSE) is a world renowned Middle School offering classes Nursery to VII standard in Bahalgarh, Meerut Road, Sonepat. We create a complete universe of your child under the deep guidance of our expert mentors. All the students in our school are getting extreme qualities in academics and all sort of co-curricular activities. We are formulating our school studies with the blend of Art of Living into the students. So our School students are replenishing their confident with every deed in their life at professional and personal stages.
Since from the early age of primary classes are students have been matured enough to decide the goal of their life and how to practice for achieving that goal in times. The entire school curricula’s persisting students for an Academic Excellence Inculcate Passion to Sporting Ability & Creative Expression promotes Values to Service, Integrity and Social Responsibilities with Self Discipline in the society and family. Students can seek Day School Cum Day Boarding facility too in our School. Our experienced teaching staffs, attendants and other staff of the schools are accommodating with the students who are using day boarding… for more information log in to Onlineschooladmissions.com.